As per our Copyright Policy, all materials on this page, including photos and videos, are indeed ours. However, they are not of us within Úlfhéðnar Hirðir (units). Dream on. There's a reason we don't normally show our face on social media, and even resort to illustrations rather than photos when we try to depict the features and performances of some of the Úlfhéðnar here. It's called Operations Security, or OPSEC. Something everyone typically understands, except SEALs of course.

The materials shown on this page, and on social media, are therefore primarily from our own training camps. The photos and videos normally involve members of Sverðin, typically Hersar, but up to the Berserkr level (as long as they are not active in a Berserkir unit with us). 

In addition to fulfilling our needs for Operations Security, this approach also increases the authenticity and realistic aspect of our organization and our training, by showing members of Sverðin who have achieved great things, rather than Úlfhéðnar who have already reached a professional and developmental level possibly out of the reach of most men.